Saturday, September 29, 2007


On Wednesday night, Renata and I went to the studio of Joanne Baxter (in Wexford) for the Fiberarts Guild of Pgh studio/critique night. It was so inspiring! Joanne makes art dolls. She showed examples of her own designs as well as various things she has made at workshops. I particularly liked the industrial necklaces. I came home totally inspired, full of ideas to apply a few techniques to some ideas I have brewing; not for dolls, but other art. But I was also depressed because I had to work on Thurs and Fri and couldn't jump right into my ideas. I did make lists while at work to file in a binder. Yes, my mind is much more organized than my house! I'm determined to organize my studio/craft room so all supplies are readily at hand and I can walk in, sit down and start making instead of wasting time hunting for my stuff. I managed to do some organizing last night, and it's coming together nicely. I've moved all the yarn out of the chiffarobe down the hall to the cedar closet (where it belongs), and filled this open space with paints, beads, paper, etc.

Annie Lawrence was there on Weds as well. She's teaching a felting workshop this weekend at Touchstone Center for Crafts near Uniontown. She has spent her summer at workshops all over the country, and brought some of her pieces along with a really gorgeous purse done by her hungarian teacher (I can't remember the name!). I saw that the Society for Contemporary Craft has some felting classes in November. I just might have to investigate!

Today Renata and I are galavanting around Pittsburgh. She moved here from Brazil 3 months ago, and hasn't learned where all the good stuff is yet. We're going thrifting, hitting Utrecht and checking out the Society for Contemporary Craft. The weather's going to be GORGEOUS! I want to find more wool sweaters to felt for my recycling idea.

Then K and I will be going out for dinner to Gypsy Cafe to celebrate our 7th anniversary! Yay for us! Then we'll hang out with our pals at the drum circle in the grotto at Flagstaff Hill.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

La dolce far niente

My, what a blissful afternoon yesterday was, full of sweet nothingness. First, I went down to Knit One to partake of their sale and use a big gift card that had been waiting for such an event. Well, despite the fact that there was seemingly only novelty yarn (yuck) majorly discounted, I didn't really get anything on sale. Some other knit pals saw me with a list and laughed. I explained that I have to arrive armed with a list or I get so overwhelmed I end up walking out with nothing.

As it was, I procured some Mauch Chunky (New Zealand/Domestic wool) in a toothache butterscotch to make Brooklyn Tweed's Hemlock Ring Blanket. I cast on in the afternoon, abandoning my long list of chores, and revelled in the quiet meditation of the stitches...a much needed Om, I must say.
This little lap blankie is cruising along. I'm now into the feather and fan "ad nauseum" which is relatively mindless knitting. I knit so much yesterday that this morning, when I did a few rounds, my left fingers were a bit numb! Ah this yarn is by no means the softest. It's rather scratchy and has that very wooly smell that a rough military blanket may have. But it was only around 6 bucks per skein, and who needs luxury for a blanket? Not me. Save that for next to my skin, which brings me to this yummyness.
Rowan Felted Tweed (merino, alpaca, viscose) in a color on a par with black rasperry coulis. With that, I shall make the Cinnabar Pullover from Interweave Fall 2007.

Today, we got down to all those chores that were blown off yesterday. It was an action packed day of cleaning, priming, etc. The pale yellow front hall is not done, as I need to put another coat of primer in the corners of the walls where the previously attempted dark mustard is still showing through. But here's the red wall that was finished last week! Yes, I know the wing chair covers seem a bit bedraggled and ill-fitting. What do you want for seven years! I'm on the lookout for something new.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Wow...has it really been that long?

I've either been busy or lazy. Maybe a little of both. Ok, so I'll post 1 day shy of 2 months since my last rambling. Zoinks. It's going to be LONG.

First, you have NO idea how glad I am that September is here! I'm counting the days till the autumnal equinox! Sweatshirt and jeans weather. Hoo Ahh!

So what exactly HAVE I been doing? Not really that much knitting. Lots of yoga, though. I LOVE Steve Ross's "Inhale" on the Oxygen channel, Mon-Fri, 6am-7am. I tape a week's worth and I'm good to go. So usually I get up around 5:15, do yoga for an hour and get on with the rest of my morning ritual. Yoga gives me a totally positive feeling, a sense of invincibility and euphoria. It's very much like the feeling you get when you kiss someone for the first time.

Uh...I DID finish that baby sleeper thingy, in time for the shower! K watched as it ended and said, "That looks like it could fit you!" He was almost right. The neck opening was huge due to the fact that I decided not to do the hood, so I had to do a couple rounds of single crochet to cinch it in. The recipient would never have known the difference. Definitely not some of my best work, it shows that my heart wasn't really in it. Also, the grafting of the shoulder seams didn't work right.

I have several other projects currently in the works. The main one is Annie Modesitt's "Corded Yoke Pullover" from Interweave Winter 2006. Several people have told me they can't see me wearing such a thing. Little do they know. Heh heh. I've hit a standstill on the sleeves. The flaw in the pattern is that they don't say to use dpn's to knit the sleeves in a tube. Well, sorry, but there's no way 45 (or however many) stitches are going to be doable on a 24 inch circular, or even a 16 inch for that matter. Indeed. The troubling part though, is doing increases in 2 x 2 rib. Looks kind of shoddy. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Will bring it to B&N Waterworks on knit night for some advisement.

So this weekend the master plan was to paint the living room fireplace wall a dark cranberry red. Mission accomplished. Have decided to leave the other walls ivory. Here is a before pic.

Stay tuned for the after pics. By the way, those yellow and green wing chairs were free...from a family friend. Have had them for 7 years. I'm sure they are circa 1964 or so. Aren't they purty? They're very comfy and are usually wearing slipcovers which are being washed. I have yet to put the drapes back up. Definitely not one of my favorite activities. Almost all of the pottery on the mantel was made by yours truly, by the way. Walked in the woods at Hartwood Acres 90 minutes Sat, 60 minutes Sun and 60 minutes today. Sheer bliss. The weeks of yoga are turning my legs into steel. I would have never been able to charge up the hills like that a year ago. I may soon be able to join my friend N on one of her Wonder Hikes!

This afternoon I continued unravelling some Takhi Donegal Tweed. I had accidentally made a gigantic sweater a couple years ago, and I need to recycle the wool into something wearable. Perhaps I'll join Jenn and SJ in the Central Park Hoodie escapade.

The last knit night was fun. We were really boisterous! The girls gave me a hard time when I said I was non-traditional and artsy. They said, “No! Really! We would never have guessed that!” They were stunned when I said we’ve lived in the house for a year and still don’t have curtains in the bedroom…well, we do have those roller blinds, but I’ve had higher priorities to take care of both financially and in terms of time. Originally I thought I’d sew curtains, but considering there are 5 windows and by the time I pay for fabric and spend the time, I’m better off buying. Target has exactly what we need for way less than what it would cost to make, and they match (in color, anyway) the comforter, a faded cobalt blue. The girls can rest assured that I HAVE purchased the curtains, but they're not yet installed. I procrastinate heavily when drilling is involved. Not because I can't, but because it requires careful measuring and makes a mess. I’m thinking a pale chartreuse will look great with the blue curtains and dark woodwork. My mom recommends I do some research on colors that are conducive to sleep.

On that note, it's almost time to hit the hay.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Recruiting for the knitting epidemic

I was at a picnic this afternoon, and K and I didn't really know anyone there, but the host and hostess. Don't you hate when that happens? K played a few songs in the host's band and left me to fend for myself. When I was chatting with some ladies and others heard I was a knitter...WELL...that's when things got rolling! I have recruited Janis and Barb (both blogless) to join in our knitterly goodness. Hope to see them soon at B&N in Waterworks!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

He claims it wasn't a guilt complex

K left me again for the second weekend in a row on Thursday night. One of his bands played a festival in Brooklyn, NY this weekend. He had taken the day off Thursday to wait for the Verizon guy and tile guy and run some errands. I called at one point to see how things were going and K said, “I folded all the laundry and put it away, tidied, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom sinks, cleaned the stove, and now I’m getting ready to go out and trim up the fallen branches.” I said, “Wow, are you having a guilt complex?” He said, “Nooooo, I just figured that since I wouldn’t be around all weekend I’d do some stuff that needed to be done.” I said, “Uh huh. Who are you, and what have you done with my K?”

So I walked into the kitchen and couldn’t believe my eyes. There were no piles of stuff anywhere. I glanced at the stove, and it looked clean. I figured by “cleaning” he meant wiping it with paper towels which is usually his modus operandi.

BUT…Friday morning when I was making breakfast, I noticed that he had actually scrubbed the burner grates! Wow…I really have never known him to clean like THAT.

I was reeling at the joy of not having to spend the gorgeous weekend inside engaging in the drudgery of cleaning. That meant I would have ALL day Saturday and Sunday to loll around and knit!

Well, not really, because this is how Saturday went, but I had a blast. Some of you may shudder at the thought. I got up at 6:30, was out at Home Depot by 8:00, bought 18 bags of mulch (which I loaded by myself because it was so early there wasn't really anyone around to help), came home and spread mulch till 10:30, got showered, went to the library, went to the nursery to finally buy a few annuals and 4 more bags of mulch, came home, ate lunch, knitted about 4 rows and started to fall asleep, went inside, had a 2 hour nap, went to buy a few groceries, ate a bowl of cherries (which gave me a second wind), planted my flowers and finished at 7:00pm. Made dinner, ate, knitted outside till 9pm, came inside and watched the last hour of some half-way decent made-for-TV Tom Selleck movie (in between running down the hall to watch several communities' fireworks shows from the second floor window), watched more mindless drivel and went to bed at 11:30.

K got home at 2:00am, I was awake for a little while, but today I got up at 7:00 and am planning to take Sheeks to Hartwood before going to my parents for a lunch party. I was trying to get Sheeks' attention while she was busy chewing on a log. When I said, "Want to go to Hartwood?" her ears perked up.

A week last Thursday, I cast on for this. Yes, the Cabbage Patch doll scares me too. I’m modifying as I go because I don’t think a sleep sack should be permanently closed at the bottom. I’ve done eyelets that will have a purchased drawstring run through. Again, a time saver, as i-cord takes too long. An open sack will facilitate those middle of the night diaper changes! Since the bottom of the sack will be open, I don’t see need for 6 buttons, so I think I’ll pare that down to 3. It’s not going to be snug in the chest area anyway. And lastly, I’m not doing this in basketweave stitch because that’s not mindless enough for a quick baby shower gift! I’m cruising through with stockinette and have 13 inches done already. For 140 stitches, that’s not bad! The shower is August 2. The yarn is a sage, mint and white heathery worsted cotton by Bernat bought in a 1-pound ball from JoAnn’s. Yes, not a fan of JoAnn’s, but I was obsessed, not too picky, and needed yarn FAST. I wanted something natural, comfy and inexpensive. It’s for a coworker who made it tougher on us by not wanting to know the gender, so we’re stuck with the less fun baby colors. It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm hoping that some sleeves will get the cuteness going.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cool beans…knit night at Coffee Tree

Got home from work last night to find a large chunk of tree had fallen in my front yard that missed the kitchen roof by 10 feet! Yikes. There was a downed wire of some kind, probably harmless cable, but I was heading out the door any minute. I left K in charge of calling Verizon to have them come take a look. The power was on, the phone worked, and we don’t bother with cable, so it was probably no big deal.

So I ventured down to Coffee Tree Roasters in Shadyside, where the temperature inside was literally roasting! Not comfy while drinking tea. I was trying out a different knit night where I newly met Min and Susan (sadly both blogless). Min had a fun laissez faire attitude towards sock knitting. She said, “Hmm…the leg looks kinda big, but it’s for a guy. It’s good enough.” Susan was crochet-embroidering a sun face on a cute little baby sundress. Her craftswomanship is marvelous. She is in the Master Knitting program and was grumbling about the strictness of the mandatory swatches. They both regularly attend a knitting group on Sundays that alternates between meeting at the Tango Café in Squirrel Hill and Crazy Mocha on the Southside. This Sunday group is planning to put a website together and get T-shirts made that mimick the iPod listener silhouette with knitter silhouettes! Way cool. Here's a list of other knit-togethers in Pittsburgh.

The three of us all take the same approach to buying yarn. We go with project in mind rather than being lured by yarn just because it’s calling to us. The exception to this is sock yarn, but I don't let myself fall victim to the gold-plated socks. I once saw a pattern calling for 3 skeins of Opal Gems, and the total sock cost from a LYS would be $39! If I’m going to spend that on yarn, it’s not going to be for something trampled by my feet.

When I told them about my other knit night, I mentioned that the Knitting Queen, i.e.,SJ, is one of the fastest knitters I know. Min and Susan were shocked when I told them SJ made 7+ socks in a week!

I just found out yesterday that the Compass Inn Museum out near Ligonier, PA will be hosting a Living History weekend July 21-22, 2007 including a Sheep to Shawl event. They'll have more details on the website soon. Here are some of the sheep that will be participating from Twin Springs Farm.

Well, I must get on with my knitting!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ring around the rosies

Found this on The Knitting Doctor. While you're at her blog, be sure to check out DancesWithWool. She does gorgeous twined knitting and really cool creatures.

Everything in this finger personality but "you see the best in everything" is absolutely true! If K was reading over my shoulder, he'd say, "Wow, you are SO off in your inner world at times!" I guess that's a nice way of telling me I'm spacy.
You Are a Ring Finger

You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.

You get along well with: The Pinky

Stay away from: The Index Finger

If I had 6 hands, my knitting would be so productive!

This brings me to my recent encounter with a South Carolina native, the Palmetto bug, otherwise known as a big cucaracha!!!

I was in Charleston, SC on a conference for work, staying in a swanky 5-star Orient Express hotel, Charleston Place. Much to my horror one night upon return to my room after dinner, I had a 6-legged visitor in the bathroom. I froze for an instant, did a double-take, and thought, “Wow, that’s a roach! I’ve never seen one so big!” This was a hefty specimen, measuring about 1 inch long and ½ an inch wide.

My rescue reflexes snapped into action. I grabbed an empty wastebasket and upturned it on the critter, trapping him. I darted to the phone to call the front desk to report the intruder. They said, “Oh my…hate to tell you this, but…it’s the…South. Would you like us to relocate you?” I said, “No, I just need someone to help kill it.” Again, rather lackadaisically they said, “My, you’re handling this quite well. We’ll send someone up as soon as possible.”

An eternity later, a man appeared in his navy blue workman garb, armed with a foreign accent and a generic can of bug spray. I pointed to the wastebasket on the tile floor outside the bathroom. My savior carefully scooted the can out into the hall, lifted it ever so slightly, and when the bug scuttled, it swiftly met its maker beneath the toe of a black work boot. As I turned to go back into the room, he shyly said with a woeful brow, “Sorry…about ‘zis’,” waving his hands parallel to the floor.

I put a towel at the base of the door, and for the remainder of the evening I wore shoes.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


The other day, I made a spreadsheet of all the projects that are either in progress or for which I have the yarn waiting in the wings. There are now 6 still in progress, and 10 waiting to be started, but I've recently finished 3!

First is the fluffy baby blanket, sorry no pic. Had to hurry to get it to the mom-to-be.

Second is a run-of-the-mill b-day hat for my brother made out of Cascade Quattro leftovers. Size 6 Addi's, 16", then size 6 casein dpns.

Third is a scarf knit horizontally, with the ends cut left for fringe. Still have to knot and finish the fringe. Yarns are: natural indigo worsted (bought near Taos), Karabella Festival 06, and Lampedusa 07, size 10.5 bamboo circs.

Also, I've started Bauble. It's taking forever to string all the beads, and I'm worried that it all may be too heavy when it's done and might fall off my wrist, but we'll see. If nothing else, it's been a good meditation project so far. Here's my palette:

And lastly, these are the socks that just don't want to be knit. Yesterday I was cruising along, tried 'em on and noticed bunchiness in the sides of the heel. Of course I thought, "AUGH! Now what?" Well, let's just say that, uh, I wasn't paying attention and forgot to turn the heel! So I had to rip out 3 or 4 inches!!!! Dang...the pattern is a baby cable rib.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fluff Knitting

You know how there's fluff reading? Well, there's also fluff knitting. Literally. I'm talking about this, from the book Greetings from the Knit Cafe, by Suzan Mischer. They call it Fluffiest Baby Blanket:

And I've started to make it in Sensations ICEE in turquoise from JoAnn's, with a long furry eyelash, Sensations PERSIAN in pale lime green for the edging. This is NOT "your grandmother's baby blanket." It's going to be funky and hip. The true life colors look better than the pic. It's a close proximation to the original yarn texture (Trendsetter Zucca and Gedifra Techno for trim) and probably much cheaper too. I've already finished with two skeins (only a 55 stitch cast on), so I'll have this done long before my coworker's due date in mid-March.

By the way, I highly recommend the inter-library loan system. I hopped online last week and reserved every knitting book published in the last two or three years they had that I don't own. I now have a stack of twenty books to peruse. Often I find that knitting books aren't worth buying as there may only be one or two patterns that catch my eye. There can be great inspiration, and I've come up with some fabulous ideas for really cool MARKETABLE stitch markers. The books I do buy are more for reference...knitting bibles. I still own more cookbooks than knitting books, but that's another story. Maybe I should start a cooking blog too...

A little Amish?

YARN: Cascade Quattro (worsted)
PATTERN: Baby Cable Rib from Sensational Socks
CAST ON: 48 stitches
NEEDLES: size 4 and 5 dpns

K and I were under the weather, so we ended up delaying the birthday party till next weekend. I finished the socks on time though! I started the second sock Weds evening. These are going to be sooooooo comfy for my dad!

The Amish look is that you know how Amish quilts are sometimes not perfect and there may be a color change as if they didn't have enough of the same fabric for consistent design? Well, my Amish touch is that I wasn't paying attention in the toe decreases and ended up alternating the decrease round and knit round ALL the way till the END! They were a bit pointy, but they're the right length, so I didn't really feel like frogging.

When I was totally done with them it felt funny not to be knitting for a few minutes, and I had yarn leftover, so I looked up a free hat pattern online and cast on to make my brother a Bday hat. A coworker is having her second baby in mid-March, so I really should make her something, too. Plenty of time for maybe a little kimono sweater or something.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Better than store bought

On Valentine's Day, the weather was frightful. We're not the type of couple to go out and be amongst the happy or unhappy couples who are at uppity restaurants out of obligation. They let us go early at work, so I stopped at Whole Foods for some dinner supplies. I made a warm chocolate raspberry pudding cake(very easy and good), baked salmon, green beans and baked potato.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Safari...on our street!

This is the CUTEST thing ever!

Our street is a small circle, with about 15 houses which are all different. It's not one of those BUP's (Big Ugly Plans). There's a yellow lab that gets walked, usually on a leash, and occasionally I'll see it's cat sibling trailing behind.

Well LAST evening, the dog was off-leash marching ahead of Master, and the TWO cat siblings were trailing behind Master. You should have seen their little legs go! They looked like they were on wheels. One cat is white with black ears, a black and white striped tail and a spot on its back, so it's a little reminiscent of Snoopy. The other is a gorgeous orange tabby.

They do several laps around the circle and I giggle every time they go by. It's nice entertainment while I'm making dinner.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

1800 Stitches a Day

Like 1800 calories a day...I too am on a yarn diet.
Here are the Koigu socks that have been frogged from a previous baggy stockinette endeavor and are now snugger with baby cables. Fortunately there's no pooling.

Next up is the Tahki Donegal Tweed sweater that I worked on for a few years before my re-born obsession with knitting. Much to my dismay I had made a plus size by mistake. DUH! This needs to be frogged and reknit into something more fitting. Ha!

Now on to the stash. This is a very strange assortment of stuff that might very well be relegated to gifts for my nieces. I am NOT reponsible for the pink Sizzle in the lower right front. That was in my goodie bag at the Knitting Festival a few years back. In the back left is some weird Lion Brand Suede, a chenille, that knits up irregularly. I was going to make a scarf for my mom since she vetoes all the wool scarves I've done for her claiming everything is too scratchy. Her complaint WAS warranted on something I made in Reynolds Lite Lopi. That one's a big OUCH. It felts GREAT for the Felted Clogs though!

Clockwise from top left: KnitPicks Quarry in (Stream?) for the Teva Durham Fringed Pullover from Loop-D-Loop; some Cascade Quattro, Shepherd Colour 4 Me, Dalegarn Falk leftovers from niece projects, Dalegarn Baby Ull, Harrisville Flax and Wool.

The sock section, clockwise from left: Trekking leftovers, Sockotta (need to make mate), Lion Brand Magic Stripes, 4 Koigu (don't have colorway info handy), and 4 Knitpicks Sock Memories. The last sock memories here looks like it might make some interesting Jaywalkers!

And last but not lusciously colorful least is the Mission Falls assortment for "Fair Isle Jazz" from Pam Allen's Scarf Style.

Friday, January 19, 2007

More conducive to creating

I always like using one of my 3 days off, when no one else but the dog is home, to organize my life. We've lived in our new old house since August, and some of the rooms aren't arranged optimally. Two nights ago while trying to get to sleep after knit night, I was envisioning how to better arrange my craft room upstairs. The ideal situation is to have a room that you can walk into and start creating, and the ability to open closets and drawers and grab what you need right away without having to sift through piles of stuff and clear space. And most of all, it's great to be able to leave works in progress out and not have to clean up afterwards. I used to be one of those dining table workers...we all know the type. My husband would come home and say, "Uh...I guess we have to eat on the porch tonight?" This would be in the dead of winter.

So, here are some before and after pics. The befores look like a dark uninviting garrett. But the afters take advantage of the northern light.

Sheeks says, "Oh, yeah, watching TV from this angle works!" There are two big closets in this room. One has coats and stuff, and the other is full of totes of supplies. My plan is to get those plastic drawer wheely things so I can see what I have and find it in an instant. The couch only weighs 3000 pounds. The dog didn't even offer to help move it. We'll be cozier when we watch movies now, sat right next to the radiator.

This is sooooo much better! That windowless wall needs mega bulletin boards! You can laugh at the curtains. They were there before us.

This antique dresser is calling to be an art supply storage chamber.

The view of the back yard from the window above the drawing table. Fortunately the window is high up. I would daydream too much if I could stare out while sitting down.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bond...James Bond

The year is 2...007!

Well, I felt I needed to add to the knitting from stash concept being bandied about. K stole the camera today for work, so I can't take pics yet but here goes:

Projects I have the yarn for:

From Teva Durham's "Loop-D-Loop": Cast Away Fringe Pullover in Knit Picks Quarry, a boucle. Hopefully fringe will turn out like cool dreadlocks.

From Pam Allen's "Scarf Style":
1) Fair Isle Jazz in Mission Falls 1824 wool. I have most of the exact colors called for in the pattern. Tweaked a couple in the fair isle scarf ends, but at least I have the raspberry for the main section!
2) Ene's Scarf in Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud. This will be my first lace endeavor. Think I might practice first making some little heart bookmarks for Valentine's Day.

Now that I have the "Knitting Sensational Socks" book, it sheds a whole new light on sock knitting, particularly the fit. I have an unraveled pair in Koigu that I shall reknit into something sensational that won't fall down. Also have another pair in (I forget the yarn) to unravel and reknit. Only got one of these done to begin with. Was very bored with them.

Still have to finish unravelling a sweater made out of Takhi Donegal Tweed, wet it, hang it...this was a sweater mishap that turned out way too big. Over $100 in yarn is too valuable to have sitting there in a useless state. I'm not in love with the color anymore, but I think the right pattern, i.e., if it's interesting and funky enough could revive the color. Recently found a nice cabled hoodie pattern in Vogue knitting that actually CALLS for this yarn! I'll probably have enough, since the original sweater knit was erroneously a plus size. Yikes. The unravelling process is arduous as I have to unweave all the woven-in ends! This really cuts into my KNITTING time! Would be a good project to work on during a camping/cabin week.

Also have odds and ends of Reynolds Lite Lopi that are good for adult hats, some Dalegarn Falk suitable for kids hats, and some Dalegarn Baby Ull that might constitute a pair of mittens.

Last but not least there's some Harrisville Flax Wool...not sure what that will be, and some Cascade Quattro that felts beautifully. Might make some bags.

I'm collecting wool sweaters from thrift stores to felt, cut and make into a throw. Need to find some more inspiring colors. There's a great pattern for turning these into tote bags in "AlterKnits."

Needless to say, my stash is not very organized, but my new old house has a cedar closet that is ONLY for the storage of yarn! How serendipitous is that?

In review, I have no business buying any new yarn for a while...but I got gift cards and money for such for xmas AND b-day is coming up soon! What I really should get is a swift and ball winder, which cost MORE than yarn. :-)