Sunday, July 01, 2007

He claims it wasn't a guilt complex

K left me again for the second weekend in a row on Thursday night. One of his bands played a festival in Brooklyn, NY this weekend. He had taken the day off Thursday to wait for the Verizon guy and tile guy and run some errands. I called at one point to see how things were going and K said, “I folded all the laundry and put it away, tidied, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom sinks, cleaned the stove, and now I’m getting ready to go out and trim up the fallen branches.” I said, “Wow, are you having a guilt complex?” He said, “Nooooo, I just figured that since I wouldn’t be around all weekend I’d do some stuff that needed to be done.” I said, “Uh huh. Who are you, and what have you done with my K?”

So I walked into the kitchen and couldn’t believe my eyes. There were no piles of stuff anywhere. I glanced at the stove, and it looked clean. I figured by “cleaning” he meant wiping it with paper towels which is usually his modus operandi.

BUT…Friday morning when I was making breakfast, I noticed that he had actually scrubbed the burner grates! Wow…I really have never known him to clean like THAT.

I was reeling at the joy of not having to spend the gorgeous weekend inside engaging in the drudgery of cleaning. That meant I would have ALL day Saturday and Sunday to loll around and knit!

Well, not really, because this is how Saturday went, but I had a blast. Some of you may shudder at the thought. I got up at 6:30, was out at Home Depot by 8:00, bought 18 bags of mulch (which I loaded by myself because it was so early there wasn't really anyone around to help), came home and spread mulch till 10:30, got showered, went to the library, went to the nursery to finally buy a few annuals and 4 more bags of mulch, came home, ate lunch, knitted about 4 rows and started to fall asleep, went inside, had a 2 hour nap, went to buy a few groceries, ate a bowl of cherries (which gave me a second wind), planted my flowers and finished at 7:00pm. Made dinner, ate, knitted outside till 9pm, came inside and watched the last hour of some half-way decent made-for-TV Tom Selleck movie (in between running down the hall to watch several communities' fireworks shows from the second floor window), watched more mindless drivel and went to bed at 11:30.

K got home at 2:00am, I was awake for a little while, but today I got up at 7:00 and am planning to take Sheeks to Hartwood before going to my parents for a lunch party. I was trying to get Sheeks' attention while she was busy chewing on a log. When I said, "Want to go to Hartwood?" her ears perked up.

A week last Thursday, I cast on for this. Yes, the Cabbage Patch doll scares me too. I’m modifying as I go because I don’t think a sleep sack should be permanently closed at the bottom. I’ve done eyelets that will have a purchased drawstring run through. Again, a time saver, as i-cord takes too long. An open sack will facilitate those middle of the night diaper changes! Since the bottom of the sack will be open, I don’t see need for 6 buttons, so I think I’ll pare that down to 3. It’s not going to be snug in the chest area anyway. And lastly, I’m not doing this in basketweave stitch because that’s not mindless enough for a quick baby shower gift! I’m cruising through with stockinette and have 13 inches done already. For 140 stitches, that’s not bad! The shower is August 2. The yarn is a sage, mint and white heathery worsted cotton by Bernat bought in a 1-pound ball from JoAnn’s. Yes, not a fan of JoAnn’s, but I was obsessed, not too picky, and needed yarn FAST. I wanted something natural, comfy and inexpensive. It’s for a coworker who made it tougher on us by not wanting to know the gender, so we’re stuck with the less fun baby colors. It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm hoping that some sleeves will get the cuteness going.


Jen said...

Wow. Send your husband over to my house - maybe some of his excellent cleaning skill will rub off on mine!

Stella's ears do the same when we say the word walk :)

Sarah said...

After he's done at Jen's house he can come to mine -- J leaves me every week, and I think all he's done is make the bed occasionally!