As it was, I procured some Mauch Chunky (New Zealand/Domestic wool) in a toothache butterscotch to make Brooklyn Tweed's Hemlock Ring Blanket. I cast on in the afternoon, abandoning my long list of chores, and revelled in the quiet meditation of the stitches...a much needed Om, I must say.
This little lap blankie is cruising along. I'm now into the feather and fan "ad nauseum" which is relatively mindless knitting. I knit so much yesterday that this morning, when I did a few rounds, my left fingers were a bit numb! Ah this yarn is by no means the softest. It's rather scratchy and has that very wooly smell that a rough military blanket may have. But it was only around 6 bucks per skein, and who needs luxury for a blanket? Not me. Save that for next to my skin, which brings me to this yummyness.
Rowan Felted Tweed (merino, alpaca, viscose) in a color on a par with black rasperry coulis. With that, I shall make the Cinnabar Pullover from Interweave Fall 2007.
Today, we got down to all those chores that were blown off yesterday. It was an action packed day of cleaning, priming, etc. The pale yellow front hall is not done, as I need to put another coat of primer in the corners of the walls where the previously attempted dark mustard is still showing through. But here's the red wall that was finished last week! Yes, I know the wing chair covers seem a bit bedraggled and ill-fitting. What do you want for seven years! I'm on the lookout for something new.
I try not to walk into a yarn shop (especially a sale) with nothing in mind or I leave with nothing or leave with something stupid! I am a big fan of lists.
Jenn can tell you that when we were at the knitting festival last year, I had to do several laps of the room before I could even think of buying anything -- it was too overwhelming! I may not always have a physical list when I go to a sale, but I'll be darned if I don't have a mental list of things I'm looking for so that the wool fumes don't do me in.
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